Introduce your Lovely Dog...
Introduce your Lovely Dog!
Everything - everything - we do is with you and your dog in mind.
We're on a mission to get rid of the junk and nasties hidden away in our dog’s treats and food.
That’s why it’s so so so so lovely when emails arrive with images of your gorgeous dogs attached. Perfect reminders of why we do what we do.
Now we can share our wonderful dogs and their antics with everyone...
It’s time to show off your dog!
Let's proudly boast about our lovely hairy, furry, barky, jumpy, dafty bundles of loveliness that are the very reason we’re on this mission together.
Here’s how…
- Scroll down and click the button ‘Write a review’*
- Write whatever you want about your dog – introduce them – share their loves - hates - cutest habit – daftest habit – dating profile – it’s up to you!
- Add a photo or video
- Click Submit
A few minutes later your gorgeous dog will appear ready for us all to uptick and admire : )
*Please don't post if you prefer we don't share on social media or email.